A New Chapter in Our Journey: Merging Open Source Spirit with Sustainable Development

by Oliver Zehentleitner

Dear UNICORN Binance Suite Community,

It's been an exhilarating journey together over the last five years. From a simple open-source project to a software suite boasting half a million downloads, we've come a long way. I've been humbled and thrilled to witness countless businesses flourish and grow, using the UNICORN Binance WebSocket API. As the proud maintainer, I have worked diligently to ensure our software remains up-to-date, bug-free, and evolving. This process, while rewarding, is also demanding, both in time and resources.

To ensure that we can continue to deliver the high-quality updates, bug fixes, and support you've come to expect, it's time for a significant change.

Synergizing Open Source and Sustainable Business

After much contemplation and dialogue with many of you, I'm proud to announce the adoption of the LUCIT Synergetic Open Source License for the UNICORN Binance Suite. This shift seeks to blend the transparency, trust, and collaborative spirit of the open-source community with a model that sustains the project's ongoing development and support needs.

So, what does this mean for you?

  1. Transparency & Trust: The software remains open source on GitHub. You can still view, study, and extend the code as before. This transparency ensures you can trust the code you're integrating into your trading systems. In addition, we now have a Trusted Publisher Deployment Chain with GitHub Actions. Through a defined workflow, Cython, PyPy and Plain Python Source Code Wheels for Windows, Linux and Mac are automatically created from the source code of the respective repository and subsequently uploaded to PyPi, GitHub and Anaconda. In this way, we offer full transparency, maximum performance and the greatest possible compatibility. We are also keeping an eye on the Mojo Superset and will strive for the best possible results here as well.
  2. Legacy Commitment: Everything that's been available until now will remain free of charge. We stay true to this promise. However, while it remains accessible, it will no longer receive updates. Starting October 7, 2023, any updates to the UNICORN Binance Suite modules will necessitate a valid license from LUCIT.
  3. Exciting Innovations Ahead: We started today with the release of UNICORN Binance WebSocket API 2.0.0 (GitHub Action for Trusted Publishing) which has already implemented the new licensing system. In the interval of 2-3 working days we will release the remaining modules in a new major version. Along with this change, we're committed to rolling out a slew of enhancements. All future versions will be compiled with Cython and PyPy boosting performance and ensuring compatibility. And that's just the tip of the iceberg! We promise even more advancements and improvements to come.
  4. License Purchase: To use the software suite, users will now need to purchase a license from our Online Shop. For those wishing to test out the software first, we also offer a trial license in the shop. Prices start as low as €9.99 per month for the smallest subscription. This fee will directly support the ongoing development and maintenance of the project.
  5. Sustained Quality: With this model, we'll be better equipped to address bugs quickly, cater to support inquiries, and release frequent feature enhancements, ensuring you get the best out of your trading systems.

Your Contribution Matters

While we're introducing a commercial facet to our journey, the heart of our mission remains rooted in community collaboration. We welcome contributions, ideas, and feedback, ensuring the UNICORN Binance Suite remains by the traders, for the traders.

To our users who've been with us from the start, we value your continued trust. To newcomers, we're excited to show you the power of our suite and the strength of our community.

Together, we are building a bridge between the open-source ethos and a sustainable business model. I genuinely believe that this is a modern approach to software development, providing utmost value to our users while ensuring the project's longevity.

Learn how you can easily integrate the UNICORN Binance Suite into your project.

To know more about the changes, please refer to our new license details. For any queries or feedback, you're always welcome to reach out.

Warm Regards,

Oliver Zehentleitner
Founder, LUCIT Systems and Development

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Our Stack

Automation and Integration of Trading Platforms

REST API`s and Websockets

We specialize in connecting to crypto API endpoints and are maintainers of the UnicornFy, UNICORN Binance REST API and UNICORN Binance Websocket API for Python, as well as the UNICORN DepthCache Cluster for Binance.

Binance, KuCoin, Pancakeswap, CoinMarketCap, CoinDesk, ...


Interactive Brokers


Yahoo Finance API


Boto3, Azure SDK, ...

AI / Neural Networks

Azure AI (certified)




Data Science



Full-Stack Infrastructure On-Prem or Cloud (AWS, Azure, OVH, Hetzner, Digital Ocean, ...)

Linux (hardened), EC2






Data Lakes





And much more ...